Friday, June 25

Fitness Friday

I had a great workout earlier this week.  Not only did I jog two miles on the treadmill, I also did several different kinds of strength training.  I could tell it was a good workout because I could feel it the next day.
Now that I seem to have the "once a week" down, this week I'm going to try to shoot for two or three trips to the gym.  I would like to commit to trying three, but my schedule is pretty crazy this week, I only have one day off,  but depending on what else comes up throughout the week I might be able to do it!
One bummer to working out more often is that whenever I first start getting into working out, I always seem to get a brake out on my forehead, and mix the work outs with all the crazy heat we've been having, it's no pretty.  I can cover it with make up, but still...ick!  Does anyone else seem to run into this problem?  If so do you have any tricks for keeping your skin calm against the sweat?

1 comment:

  1. Good girl! That's awesome!

    Try washing your face both before and after your workout if you don't already. I use those cleansing wipes by Biore or Ponds for a quick fix... actually I most recently bought Target brand. That way, you aren't breaking from you makeup (before) or the sweat (after).



