Friday, April 13

12 Goals for 2012

Oops! Sorry this post is a day late!
1.  WORKOUT REGULARLY...  As you can tell from some of my recent posts I've really been getting into my workouts.  Spinning class is my favorite.  Although I will warn anyone that hasn't done spinning before, walking down stairs onto the subway, or upstairs to your apartment doesn't feel too good afterwards.
2.  UNSUBSCRIBE... About a month ago I thought I was basically done with this one, but over the last month or so I've gotten a bunch of junk email.  It's a never ending battle.
3.  TAKE A VACATION... Well, my family is taking their annual beach trip in June.  So I'm looking forward to that.
4.  SLEEP IN MY BED... I've been doing really well.  The last two weeks I've gotten out of the living room and made it to bed almost every night.
5.  STAY CLUTTER FREE... This kinda makes me laugh because I just spent the whole morning putting away clothes and cleaning up.  I think my new part of this goal is going to be keeping up with my laundry, so by the time I do it I don't have as much to put away.
6.  VOLUNTEER MORE... The CCFA walk is the first weekend in June, and honestly I'm getting kinda frustrated because I haven't gotten as many donations as I thought I would, but there is still some time so hopefully I'll think of some good fundraising.
7.  DRINK MORE WATER... I've been going to spinning, enough said.
8.  TAKE MY VITAMINS... Not so good on this one.  Hopefully I'll have a better report for all of you next month.
9.  LEARN FRENCH... Last month I said "I hope I'll have something better to tell you next time", I don't.  This goal will be my focus for the next update.
10.  SELF-TAN... I was good for a bit, but as soon as I stopped I went back to being pale.  It's kinda frustrating.
11.  OPEN MY MAIL... My mail got rather stacked up over the last month while I had the workers in the apartment, but now I'm back on track.
12.  WEAR MORE SKIRTS & DRESSES... I've been looking pretty a few times a week at work.  I'm so glad I've kept this up, it even helped me get a date!

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