Tuesday, June 29

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Boys making playlists for girls is the modern day "mix tape" and I like it.

2.  I've lived in Boston for years now, but I still enjoy a casual summer drive around the city.

3.  The HBO night I've been waiting for has finally arrived!  True Blood, Hung, and Entourage!

4.  I've decided I feel bad for guys that can't order kick ass cocktails because they look too girlish.

5.  In the July issue of self magazine there is a page with suggestions on nail polish colors based on your astrological sign.  Turns out the color for my sign (Scorpio) I already had, but hadn't used yet.  I used the deep purple color, and have been getting tons of compliments on the color.

6.  There are a lot of people who say "I could make a meal out of bread", well I actually do.  I got dinner rolls when I went food shopping this week, they made a great dinner.

7.  8 days till I'm on vacation and I get some much needed time off to spend with some of my favorite people.

8.  My big treat that I bought for myself this week was Twisted Tea.  So good!

9.  I got the movie "New York, I Love You" in from netflix this week.  The only reason I put it on my rental list was because Bradley Cooper is in it, but overall it was a pretty good movie.  Which says a lot since there hasn't been many good movies out lately.

10.  Suggestion:  Wear neon underwear around a black light.  It's amusing to say the least.

Friday, June 25

Fitness Friday

I had a great workout earlier this week.  Not only did I jog two miles on the treadmill, I also did several different kinds of strength training.  I could tell it was a good workout because I could feel it the next day.
Now that I seem to have the "once a week" down, this week I'm going to try to shoot for two or three trips to the gym.  I would like to commit to trying three, but my schedule is pretty crazy this week, I only have one day off,  but depending on what else comes up throughout the week I might be able to do it!
One bummer to working out more often is that whenever I first start getting into working out, I always seem to get a brake out on my forehead, and mix the work outs with all the crazy heat we've been having, it's no pretty.  I can cover it with make up, but still...ick!  Does anyone else seem to run into this problem?  If so do you have any tricks for keeping your skin calm against the sweat?

Tuesday, June 22

Ten on Tuesday

1.  I went to the movies with my brother Mike, Stacey, and my nephew Owen.  We went to see Toy Story 3, if you haven't seen it yet, go see it, it was great.

2.  As Owen and Ben were leaving "Grammy & PeePaw's" house they were hugging me goodbye.  Benny hugged me, gave me a little kiss, and then in his cute little 2 year old voice, said "love you"... he's gonna be a heart breaker.

3.  JD... Thank You.  (If you don't know what this means, you don't deserve to know.)

4.  I had an Ashley Kempson sighting while in Sparta.  It was great to have a quick catch up session with her (since we used to talk everyday, I feel like we had so much to catch up on).

5.  I'm sad to see my friend Christen move away, but we had a great time wishing her well on Friday night.

6.  After a very long drive back to MA, when I came home I found a new Self magazine in my mailbox.  It was a great thing to come home to after such a long drive.

7.  "The Real Housewives of NJ" is a great show.  You all should watch it.

8.  I have been in need of some new bras, but as all women know you never buy anything full price at Victoria's Secret.  I was happy to see that their semi annual sale started, and was happy to get some new things at a good deal.

9.  The countdown is on... Vacation in two weeks!

10.  I was craving pizza, but take out pizza costs more then frozen.  When I was at Target (where else would I be shopping?) I went to pick up some pizza, and they were having a special buy 2 pizzas, get a free bottle of diet coke.

Friday, June 18

Fitness Friday

This is going to be quick because (a) I'm drying to type while waiting for my nails to dry, and (b) I need to get ready to go out.
Good news and bad news on the fitness front. 
Bad:  I only went to the gym once this week.  But with the crazy schedule I've had, I'm pretty proud.
Good:  I finally had that "yeah, I feel great" post workout feeling.  Whenever I start feeling like this is motivates me to workout more often.

Also, I ran into a guy a dated for a while at the gym.  Thank goodness it was as I was walking into the gym and before I changed into my gym clothes.

Wednesday, June 16

Ten on Tuesday... Well, Wednesday

1.  On Tuesday last week, I went out on a date.  In the end it looks like he's "just not that into me".  But that's alright, I'll take a night out with a guy whenever I can.

2.  I had a chance to catch up with several of the people I used to work with at the Burlington Lucky Brand.  It's always nice to see people you haven't seen in a while.

3.  Sometimes I think we all have those work days that are really good, they make the not so good works days worth it.  Well, I had one of those great work days last week.  I've been bouncing between two stores, and I managed both stores payrolls, had awesome customer interactions, and sent some motivating emails to my staff to get them ready for a big weekend.

4.  Everyone that knows me knows, I almost never use vacation time.  Well, I put in for vacation time this week, and I'm excited to say it was approved.  I'm excited for July when I'm going to head to Jersey to spend some time with the soon to be bride.

5.  Cure for a bad day.... Chocolate cupcake.

6.  I had a nice afternoon catching up with my friend Kyle over a pitcher of sangria.

7.  I went to go see "Get Him Into The Greek".  It was hilarious!  If you haven't seen it yet, go see it!  It was great!

8.  I don't have those go out all night drinking nights as often as I used too.  But this week, I had a great night out with a few of my guy friends.  We ended up staying out drinking, and then went to the diner, and then I got home... at 4am

9.  Back in high school, Belgium waffles were my choice late night diner snack.  I'm happy to report that they still hit the spot in the late night hours.

10.  The new season of True Blood started on Sunday.  I'm happy to see all my favorite HBO shows starting back up.

Friday, June 11

Fitness Friday

Die hard "Beantown Babe" readers will recall a pair of jeans that barely fit, and my goal was to get them to fit.  Well, here they are!  (Please excuse the odd looking photo, I was in a rush to get out the door so I took this photo with my computer camera, and I had to make the crazy pose so you could see my whole outfit.)  Now, I know it sounds totally unfair but (as readers know) I haven't really been working out.  The only reason I fit into these jeans is because when I was sick I couldn't eat for several days, and then when I started to eat it was only small amounts. 
But the new goal, since I now am in these jeans is to be able to stay this size. 
Meeting this goal isn't going to be easy.  In typical Sue fashion, when I dived back into work I dived deep.  I basically running two stores right now, and trying to split my time between the two.  On top of work I've got all my follow up doctors appointments this week, and I'm traveling to New Jersey for the annual family gathering.  But hopefully I can make it to the gym at least one day this week, maybe Sunday or Thursday.  We'll see how it goes!

Monday, June 7

Ten on Tuesday (Again, on Monday...Get Over It!)

*First please note, that (like always) this list is in no order what so ever.*

1.  I spent my at home recovery time catching up on lots of on demand television.  The free on demand movie I was the most excited to see was "The Hannah Montana Movie".  I never get sick of watching silly little movies, including this one.

2.  On Wednesday my father arrived to the hospital, he came directly from the airport, on business.  I've never been so happy to get on the computer, and most importantly get on facebook.  We are all a little addicted to facebook, but when you're spending several days in the hospital, facebook is like a ticket to "what's happening" in the outside world.

3.  I arrived home from the hospital to find the new July issue of Martha Stewart Living in my mailbox.  It was a great treat to come home too.

4.  My sister in law, Stacey posted a video of my nephew Owen golfing.  It is so darn cute!  I've already watched it several times.

5.  Since I was looking for something to do to help me pass time while recovering at home, I decided to do a little "research".  I know so many people getting married, and they all seem to be asking me my advice on planning (it must be the Martha factor).  I looked up all sorts of DIY wedding things, and already started planning for Dani's shower.  But all that's a surprise! Shhh!

6.  I've been meaning to clean up my apartment for weeks.  Problem is all I ever seem to have time to do is clean little bits here and there.  But once again, due to my boring recovery time my apartment is nice and clean.

7.  I have found one pro to bring in the hospital:  nail polish doesn't chip easily.  I am notorious for two things when it comes to nail polish:  (1) I like having nicely polished nails and (2) my nails ALWAYS seems to be chipping.  But I polished my nails on Monday last week, went into the hospital on Tuesday, and yesterday I did a mere touch up.  Amazing!

8.  I don't care what anyone says, I've watched "Jon & Kate plus Eight" since the start, so I was very excited to watch the "Kate plus Eight" premiere on Sunday night.

9.  A few weeks back my store won a "Fill the Fridge" contest, we had the best email capture results in the district.  The prize was $100 for food for the store.  Since I personally try to only buy food I need, I almost never buy junk food, and I try to keep myself on a tight food budget.  It was so much fun to go food shopping and buy all these snack foods (no worries I got healthy snacks too).  By the way, $100 buys A TON of food!

10.  Most important:  Although I never wish for anyone to go into the hospital, there is one great thing that comes out of being in the hospital.  It makes you understand just how many people care about you.  Friends drop everything to check in with you, family members arrive to be at your bed side (even when you insist they don't have to bother), it's a tough way to realize how much people care, but the important thing is, lots of people out there care.

Friday, June 4

Fitness Friday

After spending most of the past week in the hospital, clearly I didn't go to the gym very much.  But I'm happy to report to you all, that I did make it to the gym once over the past week. 
For the one gym trip I did make, it was kinda a "mailed in" visit.  I spent a decent amount of time of the treadmill, I jogged for a little over 2 miles.  But surprisingly the thing I flaked out on was strength training.  Strength training is normally my favorite part of any workout.  But for this workout, I had just come from a full day at work and I was pretty tired, and hungry, so I wanted to get out of the gym as quick as possible.
I'll be honest, I have no promises for any big workouts for the up coming week due to recovery from my recent hospital visit.