Tuesday, June 29

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Boys making playlists for girls is the modern day "mix tape" and I like it.

2.  I've lived in Boston for years now, but I still enjoy a casual summer drive around the city.

3.  The HBO night I've been waiting for has finally arrived!  True Blood, Hung, and Entourage!

4.  I've decided I feel bad for guys that can't order kick ass cocktails because they look too girlish.

5.  In the July issue of self magazine there is a page with suggestions on nail polish colors based on your astrological sign.  Turns out the color for my sign (Scorpio) I already had, but hadn't used yet.  I used the deep purple color, and have been getting tons of compliments on the color.

6.  There are a lot of people who say "I could make a meal out of bread", well I actually do.  I got dinner rolls when I went food shopping this week, they made a great dinner.

7.  8 days till I'm on vacation and I get some much needed time off to spend with some of my favorite people.

8.  My big treat that I bought for myself this week was Twisted Tea.  So good!

9.  I got the movie "New York, I Love You" in from netflix this week.  The only reason I put it on my rental list was because Bradley Cooper is in it, but overall it was a pretty good movie.  Which says a lot since there hasn't been many good movies out lately.

10.  Suggestion:  Wear neon underwear around a black light.  It's amusing to say the least.


  1. haha #10 made me laugh. cant wait to see you in a week from today! yay

  2. Regarding #4: I love that Joshua is secure enough in his masculinity to order a cosmopolitan. Haha my kinda guy! Also— I got that issue of self, I'll have to go check what color mine said. Glad you got many compliments on yours!

    Miss you and so jealous I won't get to see you when you're on your vaycay!
