Tuesday, June 22

Ten on Tuesday

1.  I went to the movies with my brother Mike, Stacey, and my nephew Owen.  We went to see Toy Story 3, if you haven't seen it yet, go see it, it was great.

2.  As Owen and Ben were leaving "Grammy & PeePaw's" house they were hugging me goodbye.  Benny hugged me, gave me a little kiss, and then in his cute little 2 year old voice, said "love you"... he's gonna be a heart breaker.

3.  JD... Thank You.  (If you don't know what this means, you don't deserve to know.)

4.  I had an Ashley Kempson sighting while in Sparta.  It was great to have a quick catch up session with her (since we used to talk everyday, I feel like we had so much to catch up on).

5.  I'm sad to see my friend Christen move away, but we had a great time wishing her well on Friday night.

6.  After a very long drive back to MA, when I came home I found a new Self magazine in my mailbox.  It was a great thing to come home to after such a long drive.

7.  "The Real Housewives of NJ" is a great show.  You all should watch it.

8.  I have been in need of some new bras, but as all women know you never buy anything full price at Victoria's Secret.  I was happy to see that their semi annual sale started, and was happy to get some new things at a good deal.

9.  The countdown is on... Vacation in two weeks!

10.  I was craving pizza, but take out pizza costs more then frozen.  When I was at Target (where else would I be shopping?) I went to pick up some pizza, and they were having a special buy 2 pizzas, get a free bottle of diet coke.


  1. Gotta love Target! And I just read the new Self magazine cover-to-cover and loved it... specifically the Anna Paquin article... it made me feel better to know that she works so hard to have that gorgeous body!

  2. The real housewives of NJ is DRAMA... lol. LOVE IT. ha!
